Assessment & Planning

“Whole Person” Assessment

We begin our work together by collaboratively developing a 360° understanding of who your child is and what they need to feel engaged in their own treatment. A diagnosis doesn’t tell us who your child is or what they need to feel empowered and hopeful enough to engage in learning and trying out new skills. A diagnosis doesn’t tell us how your family is doing and what you all need to feel supported enough to provide the intensity of therapeutic parenting your child truly requires.

Through the process of the Whole Person Assessment, we gather information from all perspectives including record reviews, conversations with parents, teachers, therapists and the child themselves. We incorporate all that information so that we gain a picture of your child’s neuropsychological profile, response to past and present educational and treatment interventions, the available community treatment/educational options, family functioning, community resources, and previous evaluation results. Through this in-depth process, we identify the root causes of the difficulties and lay the foundation for a comprehensive intervention plan.

Road Map Planning

Using the information gained through our Whole Person assessment, we then collaborate with parents, providers and other stakeholders to develop a cooperative and comprehensive road map that builds the youth’s capacity to create as engaged, meaningful and productive adult life as possible.

Together, we create a detailed roadmap that optimizes and integrates the resources in your community, in-home supports, educational planning, and more for your child’s benefit. We work side by side with families as they implement this road map and creatively navigate around challenges. Some challenges are insurmountable and for that reason, the intervention and support plan provides “alternative routes” (e.g. Plan A, B, & C) for when the initial first steps of the plan don’t go as expected. In that way, families can begin to trust that we will find a way through hard times for their children, we just don’t know which route is going to get them there.